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Ruth Miller Watercolors

Please visit My Gallery of artwork to find a painting you may enjoy.  I also offer one-of-a-kind pieces of watercolor artwork personalized to your artistic tastes and experiences.  Please visit Custom Paintings and Client Photos for more images and details.

Paris Train Station was selected to be part of San Diego Watercolor Society's International Exhibition coming up this October. Information to follow.


An art history class on Georgia O'keeffe was an enjoyed by 5 - 10 year olds. fun way to raise money for country Club School's art program and the outcomes were gorgeous!


Walnut Creeks' Valley Art Gallery has many new paintings this summer. It's a wonderful little gallery hosting over a hundred local artists.  You can rent and/or buy paintings. 


Oh Buoy is in Quigdao, China.  It is a part of their International Watercolor Exhibition. I was just notified that it has won their Purchase Prize. That means they keep it.

Paris Cafe went to Scotland last winter to be apart of an exchange exhibition with the Royal Scottish Society of Painters at the Scottish National Gallery. All the paintings were 6" x 6".

I wish I could have been there! They sold about twelve paintings and one of them was mine! I am truly international now!

"Almost everything will work again if you unplug it, including you."

Anne Lamott